Here lies the tall tale of a randonneur and a calcule as it appeared in the American Randonneur edited and introduced by Mike Dayton who was a first hand witness to the alarming events as they unfolded. (click link below)
Danger in Dingé
Here lies the tall tale of a randonneur and a calcule as it appeared in the American Randonneur edited and introduced by Mike Dayton who was...
I can't tell you how many miles I've spent following those broad shoulders. For nearly every challenging ride that I've don...
Day 2 after dropping down from Piney Ridge and the Nebraska National Forest "Pack an extra bottle of water, and say your pra...
A few days before the start of the Sandhills 1000k I checked my iPhone weather for Broken Bow Nebraska. The start day would be hot...
Coal fired ship meet fixed gear randonneur. If you ever find yourself in Manistique in the Upper...
My welcome to Ireland Míle Fáilte 2018 Míle Fáilte translates from Irish into a "thousand welcomes." It might as well me...