Monday, October 31, 2016

The Agony of de Feet. WARNING post contains graphic content that may be offensive to some viewers.

Stage 9 is complete. 14 miles of mainly gravel roads. Our blisters have blisters. We took inventory of our aches and pains coming into town. The summary report is that my right elbow doesn't hurt. We have blisters and rashes and bruises and Clare is getting over a cold and Amy is developing one. Today in a small village outside a café where we enjoyed café con leches x3 Amy performed minor surgery on a mega blister.

Manners and discretion have been discarded just like all non-essentials in our packs. The Spanish word for blister is pupa. It's pronounced poop-ah (💩Ah). We are going Old Testament on this pilgrimage. Tomorrow's forecast calls for a 100% chance of locusts. After back-to-back 30+k days we only went 25k but it felt like 26. Most of it was on dusty gravel roads but we passed through 5 small towns and had coffees in most.

I am currently relaxing with a San Miguel on the terrace of our pensión. The decorations are hung for Halloween festivities tonight!

Lively topics of discussion along the Way included bus schedules and bicycle rentals. You all know how I'm leaning on this one. My randonneuring buddies will appreciate the "brevet" cards. They're called Credencial del Peregrinos. I'm just collecting stamps.

Tomorrow we have a major climb back up over some mountains but tonight we celebrate Halloween at our pensión in Belorado 🇪🇸!🎉

Danger in Dingé

Here lies the tall tale of a randonneur and a calcule as it appeared in the American Randonneur edited and introduced by Mike Dayton who was...